During our trip to Hamburg, we stayed at the 25h design hotel, which I only can recommend. It is near to the Neue Flora, where we saw Tarzan- the musical and Schanzenviertel with all the restaurants and bars. Every room is a little different and on the walls are a lot of illustrations.
Während unserem Hamburg Besuch, schliefen wir im 25h Designhotel, das wirklich zu empfehlen ist. Es ist in der Nähe der Neuen Flora, wo wir uns Tarzan - das Musical angeschaut haben, und dem Schanzenviertel mit all seinen Restaurants und Bars. Jedes Zimmer ist etwas anders und die Wände sind mit Illustrationen versehen.
The Amazing Race Australia - Chris and Anastasia: is Chris truly sorry?

The biggest talking point of The Amazing Race Australia - now that Richard and Joey are gone - has undoubtedly been this clip (see blog post: http://josiesjuice.blogspot.com/2011/06/amazing-race-australia-chris-and.html)
Many have been disturbed by Chris's outburst towards his partner Anastasia, and the comments on the blog post above, and on the show's Facebook page, have been nothing short of explosive.
But Chris appears to show much deep remorse, and says he is in the process of bettering himself.
In an article in the Herald Sun yesterday, he said:
"It's been a bit embarrassing, the things I said, and it's a good wake-up call as a person," said Chris.
"I have to fix those problems. I take full responsibility for the way I behaved. It's up to me to prove I'm a respectful person. I wish I could tell everyone one by one that."
You can read the rest of the article here:
What do you think? Is the relationship a recipe for disaster? Is it doom-filled, as so many (strangers) are convinced? Is it even our business? Have you been in this kind of relationship, and how has it fared?
Feel free to comment here.